Thursday, March 3, 2011

Two to Check Out and Feel Humble

Not sure hyperlink is working and other issues, but check it out.

PS: one is a video. Some scientists say we ain't seen nothing yet. Some day some flares may be bad enough to wipe out the power grid so bad it can't really be fixed fast enough to avoid some real devastation. 


L said...

There have been a few occasions in the recent past when solar storms took out major portions of the electric grid. I believe the most recent one occurred in the 1970s. About 7 or 8 years ago, we had a massive flare that everyone was worried would take out the grid. We were on alert in the military that this might happen. Fortunately, it hit the earth with a glancing blow. I still remember the aurora from that morning. It was one of the most spectacular scenes of my life.

Anonymous said...


No wonder the Internet has been slow!