Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lo and Behold!

Sue and I were walking down to the river Monday ... of course we had to check out all the muddy spots for animal tracks. Of the "big game" so far we have seen deer and turkey walking past our house. Walking down to the river prior to seeing such, we had seen deer tracks [of course] and turkey droppings [no tracks]. Monday, though, here was a shocker!

Sue thankfully had her camera along. 

We could only assume this was a bear track! 

So I went to the web to compare and it is pretty clear it is, here is an example:

There was one solitary track. Go figure! We're pretty excited about this.


How to tell bear droppings apart:

We advise the outdoorsman to wear little noisy bells on clothing so as to give advance warning to any bears that might be close by so you don't take them by surprise.

We also advise anyone using the out-of doors to carry "Pepper Spray" with him in case of an encounter with a bear.

Outdoorsmen should also be on the watch for fresh bear activity, and be able to tell the difference between black bear feces and grizzly bear feces. Black bear feces is smaller and contains lots of berries and squirrel fur. Grizzly Bear shit has bells in it and smells like pepper.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Definitely a bear.

Make sure your garbage cans are secured.

Good joke!


Carlw4514 said...

>Make sure your garbage cans are secured.

Garbage is secured but we are wondering if our bird feeder won't wind up knocked down and raided

A turkey is the only thing we have seen in the yard - in the very back. Expect to have seen deer there too but so far have only seen deer smack dab in the middle of the main road early morn

L said...

Up here they ask us to take down our bird feeders in summer. Looks like a bear print to me, but your comparison looks like a brown bear print. Your bear would be a blackie.

L said...

Google tells me I'm incorrect about your comparison print.

Carlw4514 said...

Yep, can't be a brown bear, only the black roams around here

Marsha Schmidt said...

Joke was hilarious! When you hike in WVA, there is bear poo everywhere. You get used to seeing it on the hiking trails. If is is fresh, you just get a little more alert. But honestly, they are not interested in attacking you unless you surprise a mother and cub.