Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fishing Humor

If needing a laugh, search for Bill Dance videos at you-tube. Some guy with a fishing show, I guess.

Here is my favorite sequence so far.

PS: changed the title.
PS: didn't realize the sequence was as long as it was! 30 snippets! You are forgiven if you can't watch all that but the first few are very good.


Anonymous said...

I have seen these and they are funny. I don't know who he is- I notice he wears a UT hat. I wonder if he has a real fishing show or is a home-grown commedian?


Carlw4514 said...

He has a real fishing show on 'Versus,' but I havent seen it. Presumably these bloopers are for real and there isnt constant comedy, but he seems like a real "character" as we like to say in the South.